One of the more popular buzz terms in infrastructure and cloud discussions these days is “Infrastructure as code”. But what is that exactly? ... [continue reading]
A look at our new routers
This year we intend to upgrade all the routers in our network backbone to a brand new platform based on open networking devices from Edge-Core running Cumulus Linux. In this post - replete with pictures - we will take a close look at the new routers and the topology of our new network backbone.
Why upgrade?
Our network backbone is today based on the Juniper MX 240 routing platform. Each of them occupy 5 ... [continue reading]
Rapidly removing a Cumulus Linux switch from production
Sometimes I need to quickly remove one of our data centre switches from production. Typically this is done in preparation of scheduled maintenance, but it could also be necessary if I suspect that it is misbehaving in some way. Recently I stumbled across an undocumented feature in Cumulus Linux that significantly simplified this procedure.
The key is the file /cumulus/switchd/ctrl/shutdown_linkdown
. This file does normally not exist, but if it is created with the contents 1
, ... [continue reading]
Running PostgreSQL in Google Kubernetes Engine
(Update: This post has been updated to reflect changing backup tool from WAL-E to WAL-G. WAL-G is a more modern and faster implementation of cloud backups for PostgreSQL)
Several Redpill Linpro customers are now in the Kubernetes way of delivery. Kubernetes has changed the way they work, and is acting as an effective catalyst empowering their developers. For these customers, the old-school way of running PostgreSQL is becoming a bit cumbersome:
The typical PostgreSQL installation has been based on bare ... [continue reading]
Evaluating Local DNSSEC Validators
Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is a technology that uses cryptographic signatures to make the Domain Name System (DNS) tamper-proof, safeguarding against DNS hijacking. If your ISP or network operator cares about your online security, their DNS servers will validate DNSSEC signatures for you. DNSSEC is widely deployed: here in Scandinavia, about 80% of all DNS lookups are subject to DNSSEC validation (source). Wondering whether or not your DNS server validates DNSSEC signatures? ... [continue reading]
A rack switch removal ordeal
I recently needed to remove a couple of decommissioned switches from one of our data centres. This turned out to be quite an ordeal. The reason? The ill-conceived way the rack mount brackets used by most data centre switches are designed. In this post, I will use plenty of pictures to explain why that is, and propose a simple solution on how the switch manufacturers can improve this in future.
Rack switch mounting 101
... [continue reading]
Validating SSH host keys with DNSSEC
We have all done it. When SSH asks us this familiar question:
$ ssh The authenticity of host ' (2a02:c0:200:104::1)' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:IM/o2Qakw4q7vo9dBMLKuKAMioA7UeJSoVhfc5CYsCs. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
…we just answer yes
- without bothering to verify the fingerprint shown.
Many of us will even automate answering yes
to this question by adding StrictHostKeyChecking accept-new
to ... [continue reading]
Single node Kubernetes setup
These are essentially my notes on setting up a single-node Kubernetes cluster at home. Every time I set up an instance I have to dig through lots of posts, articles and documentation, much of it contradictory or out-of-date. Hopefully this distilled and much-abridged version will be helpful to someone else.
... [continue reading]Configure Alfresco 5.2.x with SAML 2.0
In our project, we have successfully implemented SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) 2.0 with our Alfresco Content Service v5.2.0. We use AD(Active Directory) to sync users and groups into Alfresco System.
... [continue reading]Cloud done the right way
You don’t need to read the State of DevOps report to understand that cloud improves software delivery performance. But the report from 2018 shows that teams that actually leverage all of cloud computing’s essential characteristics are 23 times more likely to be high performers.
What are the essential characteristics?
On demand self-service
Provision computing resources without any human interaction
Broad network access
You get the network capability you need, regardless of the device you are ... [continue reading]