Senior Consultant
I am a Computer Scientist mostly working with application/system development and
integration/architecture with over 15 years of experience.
I also occasionally take the Scrum Master or Tech Lead role in projects.
My areas of expertise are SOA, Java EE, OSGi, JBoss AS/Wildfly, Karaf, Camel, Fuse.
I am also a Smooks, JBoss AS and WSO2 instructor.
- Color Line: Porting their old integration platform to JBoss Fuse, and now developing it further.
- Oslo airport: Proof of Concept and implementation of the self service bag drop system
- Developer, tech lead and customer contact for a web based case handling system
- Several other smaller PoCs
- Support for our JBoss AS/Wildfly clients
Passionate about:
Linux, Software development, Open Source Software and Open Standards, Scripting, Quality, Science
and Geopolitics.
- http://minibiti.blogspot.com
- https://twitter.com/Minibiti