The Varnish Cache project recently released varnish-5.2, and I have wrapped packages for Fedora and EPEL.

While there are a few additions to the VCL language from varnish-5.0 and varnish-5.1, existing VCL for 5.0 or 5.1 should work without changes on varnish-5.2.

I have pushed varnish-5.2 to Fedora Rawhide. Fedora 27 is in freeze waiting for its GA release now in November, but I will probably push varnish-5.2 to f26 and f27 some time after the the release.

Those who need varnish-5.2 for EPEL may use my COPR repositories at The repositories include varnish-5.2 based on the fedora package, matching varnish-modules and an assorted selections of vmods. The packages are compatible with EPEL 6 and 7.

The following vmods are available

Included in varnish-modules:

  • vmod-cookie
  • vmod-header
  • vmod-saintmode
  • vmod-softpurge
  • vmod-tcp
  • vmod-var
  • vmod-vsthrottle
  • vmod-xkey

Packaged separately (COPR only for now):

  • vmod-geoip
  • vmod-basicauth
  • vmod-curl
  • vmod-digest
  • vmod-memcached
  • vmod-querystring
  • vmod-rfc6052
  • vmod-uuid

As always, feedback is warmly welcome. Please report bugs in varnish and varnish-modules via Red Hat’s Bugzilla. Bugs in the vmod packages not yet available in fedora may be reported to me at ingvar(a)

Ingvar Hagelund

Team Lead, Application Management for Media at Redpill Linpro

Ingvar has been a system administrator at Redpill Linpro for more than 20 years. He is also a long time contributor to the Fedora and EPEL projects.

Alarms made right

At my work, we’re very much dependent on alarms. The systems need to be operational 24/7. When unexpected issues arise, timely manual intervention may be essential. We need good monitoring systems to catch whatever is wrong and good alarm systems to make someone aware that something urgently needs attention. I would claim that we’re quite good at setting up, tuning, and handling alarms.

When I’m not at work, I’m often sailing, often single-handedly for longer distances. Alarms are important for ... [continue reading]


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