Varnish and misbehaving application servers

Sometimes you come across problems with websites that normal configuration does not address usefully. A case in point was a PHP-based application that from time to time returned a 302 to a login page instead of the front page, which is not optimal when you serve news articles.

Our solution was to add a simple rule to Varnish, so we serve old cached content, using “grace”, instead of the redirect. Grace allows Varnish to serve expired content in case there ... [continue reading]

Using Ansible to change root passwords

While dropping root account passwords completely in favour of sudo is an option in many cases, we prefer keeping root passwords around for when we need direct console access. We keep these passwords in an encrypted password-store (we will write about this in a later blog post this season), and change them when someone should no longer have access or the passwords approach three months in age.

We prefer “horse” passwords for ease of communicating verbally, and use “diceware” ... [continue reading]

Dynamic DNS helper scripts

While dynamic DNS is a wonderful tool for automation and orchestration, tools for easy cleaning up and logging changes are needed. This post describes a couple of scripts that may help.

A good thing: Dynamic DNS in automation

In a world of automation, dynamic DNS is a wonderful tool. It lets automatic provisioning and orchestration tools create, update, and delete DNS records all by itself. But from time to time, strange things happens. Scripts fail or get killed. Automatic ... [continue reading]

The Varnish Cache project recently released varnish-5.2, and I have wrapped packages for Fedora and EPEL.

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The Raspberry Pi 3 is the third generation Raspberry Pi, on this i will be installing Mulesoft enterprise runtime standalone with latest Java 8 running inside a Docker container. The Instance will register itself with Anypoint platform ... [continue reading]

– author: jackp layout: post title: “How to use encryption in Mule” description: “the use of encrypting password with Jasypt in Mule” excerpt_length: 29 tags:

  • jasypt
  • mule
  • encryption
  • decryption

In this example we will use Jasypt in mule to encrypt clear text passwords in property files. But you could use Jasypt to encrypt all sorts of things e.g. encrypt all in a property file and not just the password.

What is Jasypt

Jasypt is ... [continue reading]

2016 turned out to be a turbulent but positive year for IPv6 here in Norway. As the graph below shows, in the beginning of 2016 about 7.5% of Norwegian end users were IPv6 capable. One year later, this number had increased to almost 10%.

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Just the other day I sat at a customer, and they wanted a web application to present data, from there Mule integration application. The data should be presented to ... [continue reading]

While debugging a problem with OCSP, I had to sit down and understand what it really does and why. So What is OCSP, and why do we use it?

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One common complaint about systemd is that it does «too much», where the threshold for the appropriate amount of action is left unspecified. Some of the stuff it can do is hold your hand and offer some comfort functions.

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