2016 turned out to be a turbulent but positive year for IPv6 here in Norway. As the graph below shows, in the beginning of 2016 about 7.5% of Norwegian end users were IPv6 capable. One year later, this number had increased to almost 10%.

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Just the other day I sat at a customer, and they wanted a web application to present data, from there Mule integration application. The data should be presented to ... [continue reading]

While debugging a problem with OCSP, I had to sit down and understand what it really does and why. So What is OCSP, and why do we use it?

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One common complaint about systemd is that it does «too much», where the threshold for the appropriate amount of action is left unspecified. Some of the stuff it can do is hold your hand and offer some comfort functions.

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Running wallscreens using a Raspberry Pi

For the wallscreens within the operations department, we currently use Raspberry Pies and provision those using Ansible. We found that the USB sockets on a typical LCD TV do not provide enough power for a Raspberry Pi model 3, so we went for the cheaper – although a little less powerful – model 2. Since we have cabled network in place from before, this does not really pose any limitations.

The Inventory

Encrypted cloud backups with Duplicity

Duplicity is a piece of software that can perform encrypted backups to remote storage over the network. It uses the rsync algorithm to implement incremental backups, thus minimising the amount of data that needs to be transferred over the network and stored remotely. The GNU Privacy Guard is used to provide strong encryption, making it safe to keep your backups in one of the many public cloud storage solutions.

In this post, I will demonstrate basic usage ... [continue reading]

Systemd at 3am

A few of systemd features that helps you and your fellow sysadmins.

At 3am, I want to sleep. I do not want SMS with “Service X is down”, and I do not want my systems to wake the on-call personnel, so they can scratch their heads and call me about “Service X is down, and I need help fixing it”.

There are a couple of things you can do to avoid this.

Automatic restarts

Sometimes processes die. Particularly at ... [continue reading]

Feeding the Elastic Stack

This is the last of three posts about Elastic Stack.

By now, we should have a reasonably secure Elastic Stack. It is sadly empty, so we should feed it some logs.

Logstash is a log processor. It can be configured with inputs, filters, and outputs.

  • Inputs are commonly log files, or logs received over the network.
  • Filters are used to accept, drop and modify log events.
  • Outputs are used for storing the filtered logs.

Filebeat is a log ... [continue reading]

Enabling HTTP/2 for a site

When we installed the new frontend nodes for our main site, we wanted make use of some technologies that aren’t yet in broad use by our customers. The intention was both to gain more experience with said technologies, and to show that they are ready for production use. HTTP/2 was one of these technologies.

Why use HTTP/2?

HTTP/2 offers several features that improve the load speed of pages. To quote the HTTP/2 FAQ, the new version of ... [continue reading]

Small-scale honeynet with Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi units are small and don’t use much power. If you have one or two to spare, why not use them to explore the sweet smell of honeypots?

Ye who enter here

First of all, a warning: Even though honeypot software is usually isolated from the underlying operating system, bugs do exist and accidents can happen. You should not run any other services on a system hosting honeypot software.

I would not recommend running an unattended ... [continue reading]