Ansible Jinja whitespace control

Jinja is a powerful template engine for Python. Inside Ansible it is often used to dynamically create files from templates and fill in placeholders with data.

The Jinja language (now in version 2) also offers features like loops and data manipulation. Building files from loops and data-structures is more complex, especially when considering whitespace and line breaks. It can get tricky very fast.

The general approach (and I think many will agree with me on this one) ... [continue reading]

Caching OPTIONS in Varnish

Web applications may send a special HTTP method OPTIONS to query an API for functionality. If supported, the answer is a bunch of clear text HTTP headers. An OPTIONS request is usually quite lightweight for the server, but it still uses resources like connections and CPU time. The answer to an OPTIONS request seldom changes unless the API itself changes. So we have small HTTP text objects that seldom are updated. Sounds ideal for caching with Varnish.

Varnish is the ... [continue reading]

I recently migrated my Home Assistant from SQLite to PostgreSQL and found that the top Google hits gave me broken instructions. Installation and configuration of a PostgreSQL server is outside the scope of this post. I will assume that it’s acceptable with some hours without recording statistics. While I believe it should be possible to do a “hot” migration without data loss, this is outside the scope of this post. I assume you have some knowledge of shell commands and ... [continue reading]

Jitsi with JWT and Moderated Meetings

In this guide we’ll setup and configure Jitsi together with JWT authentication, and moderated meetings to be able to host video conferences for several hundreds (thousands depending on your server) of users, with the capability to host webinars.

The last couple of years has been very productive in the open source area. More and more companies decided to go open-source, and with that many great new open-sourced (and free) options are available for both your company and private life day-to-day. ... [continue reading]

In the ever-shifting era of technologies where each year a new revolutionary platform emerges and evolves, generated data has grown exponentially and businesses are investing in technologies to capture data and capitalize on it as fast as possible. Depending on your company’s needs, understanding the different big-data storage techniques is instrumental to develop a robust data storage pipeline for business intelligence (BI), data analytics, and machine learning (ML) workloads.

From a data perspective, it is of utmost importance to have ... [continue reading]

Best practices to implement an ETL/ELT Integration pattern which further sums up to a Data-warehouse implementation

  • Decide a plan to test the consistency, accuracy, and integrity of the data
  • The data warehouse must be well-integrated, well-defined and time stamped
  • While designing a Data-warehouse make sure you use right tool, stick to the customer life cycle, take care of data conflicts and be ready to learn from your mistakes
  • Ensure to involve all stakeholders including business personnel in the ... [continue reading]
Ansible scheduling with filters

The Ansible Automation Platform is a great tool for automation and configuration deployment. In General. That’s why I am also using it on my local clients to keep the configuration in sync and even do the most minuscule changes.

Very rarely I implement changes that do not need to be implemented right away or that will have to be reversed later.

The usual workflow for this is to wait until that moment, implement the change and roll it out. Or ... [continue reading]

Let’s set the ground for who the data analyst is; Core for the role is to have extensive knowledge of the business and its KPIs, about vision and objectives, about metrics that explains the details of the business model and where the target values are, in order to say whether business is successful against an objective. In case when new business objectives are defined, the data analyst supports stakeholders to build metrics to track objective knowing which data exists and ... [continue reading]

What is Streaming Data?

Streaming data is a continuous data flow generated from various data sources, which can be processed and analyzed in real-time by using streaming processing technology. Streaming data is used to describe continues and endless streams with no beginning or end and need to utilize without needing to be downloaded first. Streaming data can be generated by all types of sources, with various data types and volumes. Streaming’s counterpart method is ”batch” processes, which main difference ... [continue reading]

Power BI continues to be one of the most popular Business Intelligence solutions, gaining advantage by allowing teams to meet the needs of business users, data scientists and data science professionals and meet business needs in terms of business intelligence and reporting functions. However, analytical capabilities of Power Bi can be boosted through integration with R. Complementing Power BI with customized and statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. Integration of Power BI and R brings benefits at every stage ... [continue reading]