All our customers have an online presence. A subset of these have higher demands when it comes to latency and reliability than others. Sometimes this is purely because of high amount of real end-user traffic - and sometimes it’s more malicious; A DDOS-attack.

In most OpenStack-configurations, you have the concept of «port security». This is a firewall enforced on the network interface of the virtual instance. It is also there to prevent a malicious self-service user from spoofing their IP ... [continue reading]

In the beginning of 2019 Oracle stopped releasing free-of-charge updates to their JDK, except for personal use. At the same time Oracle started requiring a subscription for Oracle JDK use in production environments. In this blog post we will look into OpenJDK as an alternative to the Oracle provided JDK and how one would migrate to it.

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Now we continue improving the VPC template from my previous blog entry “Starting with CloudFormation templates”

What we ended up with there was a VPC with one sub-net connected to the Internet. Or what is know in AWS lingo as a “Public Subnet”.

The goal now is a VPC with presence in tree Availability Zones with a “Public Subnet” in each, and a “Private Subnet” in each as well.

Humble beginnings

Before we go all out on tree ... [continue reading]

The number of great web-servers on our tool-belt is constantly growing. From the venerable Apache HTTPS over lighttpd to Nginx - and for the reverse proxy space pound, varnish and also Nginx - the number just keeps growing. Caddy is a newcomer in this field, yet its features are already impressive. Lets take a brief look.

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The plan

One of Redpill Linpro’s customers - had parts of their web presence managed by another provider - “P”. The customer wanted to migrate the server operations to Redpill Linpro (“RL”), including moving their Elasticsearch cluster to Redpill Linpro’s Elasticsearch offering, preferably without downtime. While exporting and importing by using snapshots was an option, the better option would be a live migration.

Elasticsearch A really useful Elasticsearch feature is the capability ... [continue reading]

As we saw in the introduction to ActiveMQ Artemis post, in ActiveMQ Artemis the implementation is separated from the configuration and data, requiring one to create a broker instance after installation of the implementation. One of the advantages of doing this, is that it makes upgrades much easier. Lets take a detailed look at that now.

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Apache ActiveMQ is a modern, open source messaging platform. For years now, the community has been working on the successor to the venerable ActiveMQ - now sometimes referred to as ActiveMQ classic.

The new project is named ActiveMQ Artemis, at least until the time that it will be re-branded as ActiveMQ 6.0. Apparently that will happen once ActiveMQ Artemis has all features of ActiveMQ, but since no one knows if and when this feature parity is achieved lets take a look at ActiveMQ Artemis - the future of the ActiveMQ project.

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This is not the place to tell anyone why Infrastructure as Code is a good idea. For that I can point the potential readers to a blog by my colleague Yngve about that: Why code your infrastructure?

I a short series of blogs, I intend to demonstrate building infrastructure in AWS in steps, where I will be building upon previous entries. Basic knowledge of network and VPC is assumed.

Note that following these instructions can and will incur costs ... [continue reading]

I’m sure everybody is aware you can have PostgreSQL fetch data live across the internet (or locally of course) as part of your queries and use the data directly. In fact there are a large number of drivers available to access different kinds of data for download. But in the simplest case, we can also just use the file_fdw wrapper that’s included in the standard PostgreSQL packages, together with everybody’s http-swiss-army-knife, curl.

In attempting to ... [continue reading]

Why Machine Learning models should run in Containers

Machine Learning (ML) is being implemented to varying extents in businesses all over. However, seamlessly integrating ML workflows into existing infrastructure can be somewhat challenging. This is the first article in a series on DevOps for Machine Learning - how to automate the ML process. In this chapter we will explore the benefits of running ML models as micro-services and with what tools.

Why containers in the first place?

The initial demand for this solution came years ago. Software ... [continue reading]