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Are you AI Ready?

With the era of AI now upon us, numerous organisations are grappling with how to fully leverage its advantages. Introducing our latest innovation, the Redpill Linpro AI Ready Model, designed to tackle this very obstacle.

Global investments in AI technology increases every year and various sources make different projections on how much is really spent on AI. According to one source the projected AI spending in 2024 globally will be 184 Billion USD, growing to 826 Billion USD in 2030. Other sources predicts AI investments globally to be around 200 Billion USD in 2025. Investments in AI tech and AI related companies is also increasing and are expected to grow even further in the coming years. 

Some of the numbers above looks like fantasy numbers to many decision makers in Scandinavian organisations, but the fact is that AI technology is something that all organisations need to look into and make their own call upon. AI technology has the potential to affect a lot of things and turn current processes, buying behaviours, sales processes, marketing, production and everything that concerns the operations of todays businesses, on their heads. 

This means that if you don’t act now, you risk that your organisation is falling behind not being able to fence of competition and rapidly loosing market shares or risk loosing the faith of investors, customers, employees, citizens or other stake-holders. At the same time you don’t want to ”bet on the wrong horse” and spend your budget on the wrong technology or move in the wrong direction.

The best approach

To adress the challenges on how to best approach and invest in AI technology, we have created the ”Redpill Linpro AI Ready Model”. This model combines all our experience, knowledge and methodology on how to best approach investments in new technology concepts with the expertise and knowledge on AI tech with our consultants. 

The model has been created to guide decision makers with making the right decisions and focus efforts on the right initiatives and use cases when it comes to AI. The model consists of both recommendations on a process to focus the initiative on the right use cases, verify these, roll-out and long term maintenance & development. These processes should be complemented by a set of capabilities that can be built over time within the organisation to support implementation of further AI use cases. 

With a successful implementation of processes and capabilities, your organisation will be in a good position to gain the full benefits of AI technology, both now and in the future.

More information

The Redpill Linpro AI Ready Model is presented in a series of blog posts following this first one, but an overview of the model can be found in the picture below:

AI Ready Model

More on how to assure AI Readiness is found in the upper right corner.

Fredrik Svensson

Talk to us

Fredrik Svensson

Chief Business Development Officer

+46 70 603 36 35


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Written by Fredrik Svensson