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Nordic PGDay 2024

Nordic PGDay 2024 is an excellent chance to learn more about the worlds most advanced open source database in the Nordic region. It features presentations about all aspects of PostgreSQL, from end users to internals developers, as well as a hallway track where you get to meet and talk to both PostgreSQL experts and users. Redpill Linpro is a proud sponsor and this year Senior consultant Kenneth Rørvik will present "A consultants brief history of PostgreSQL release notes" at Nordic PGDay at 11:15–11:30 in the Sponsor track room. As a consultants who has navigated the waters of countless database challenges, this presentation shows the path PostgreSQL has taken over the years, highlighting key updates.

Redpill Linpro and Nordic PGDay

Redpill Linpro and Nordic PGDay Nordic PGDay 2024 is an excellent chance to learn more about the worlds most advanced open source database in the Nordic region.

It features presentations about all aspects of PostgreSQL, from end users to internals developers, as well as a hallway track where you get to meet and talk to both PostgreSQL experts and users. Redpill Linpro is a proud sponsor and this year Senior consultant Kenneth Rørvik will present "A consultants brief history of PostgreSQL release notes" at Nordic PGDay at 11:15–11:30 in the Sponsor track room.

As a consultants who has navigated the waters of countless database challenges, this presentation shows the path PostgreSQL has taken over the years, highlighting key updates.

Redpill Linpro and PostgreSQL

We offer round-the-clock professional PostgreSQL support services, 365 days a year. Our consultants speak one of the Nordic languages as well as English, ensuring clear communication. Should you need assistance outside of business hours, you'll be directly connected to an expert ready to address your PostgreSQL support needs without delay.

Our team of dedicated open source technology and PostgreSQL experts, provides all of the database skills necessary whether it’s related to design, reviews, tuning, migration or PostgreSQL related issues in general. We help you accelerate your application, set up your infrastructure and train your personnel with PostgreSQL training. If Database as a Service is what you are looking for we can offer that in our Redpill Linpro Nordic Cloud.

Nordic PGDay is an excellent opportunity for networking, where we can share experiences and discuss challenges and solutions in a friendly, collaborative environment. Are you ready to elevate your PostgreSQL experience with our support and expertise? Let’s discuss how we can tailor our services to meet your unique needs.

Blogs on PostgreSQL:

Migrating HomeAssistant from SQLite to PostgreSQL

During the transfer of Home Assistant from SQLite to PostgreSQL, be aware of inaccurate instructions from the top Google results. Explore the process of handling shell commands, require patience for a few hours without recording statistics, and discover how to gain access to the shell and sudo privileges on the PostgreSQL server.

Getting random rows faster. Very much faster.

Discover the common need for obtaining representative data, such as getting a single random row or a few rows from a table, for example, is a frequent need. 

FDWs, curl and LIMIT

Explore PostgreSQL's dynamic features to fetch live data from the internet or locally in your queries. Utilize various drivers to download different data types. Take advantage of the standard file_fdw wrapper included in PostgreSQL packages, seamlessly combined with the versatile curl for a smooth solution.

IT Talks on PostgreSQL

Podcast episode: PostgreSQL - the open source object-relational database: 

Tune in to Magnus Hagander, President of the board for PostgreSQL Europe, as he delves into the realm of PostgreSQL, an open-source object-relational database system.


Lars Ødegaard

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Lars Ødegaard

+47 918 64 679

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