The media industry has been undergoing a lot of change in recent times due to the digital transformation.
The digital transformation has changed how and when we consume media. It has also increased requirements on media companies to constantly stay on top of the news flow and make sure to be on top of the reporting on important events as soon as possible.
The successful media houses have also understood that it is important to have a platform that can both serve written media, as well as streaming media in various formats. Competition has also increased as it is nowadays a lot easier to consume foreign media and newspapers than when magazines or news papers were the only way to do this.
Redpill Linpro has a long experience from working with various solutions for the media industry. We have assisted several large media organisations to redesign their IT platforms and move to the cloud to enable flexibility and fast updates.
We have also assisted media organisations with implementation of new methodologies to support continuous change and updates straight into production environments, as this is the only way to keep the required change speed.
Redpill Linpro have also assisted our customers in making their content available on multiple platforms through APIs and self service. These deliveries has been done through our solution areas API & Integration, DevOps, and Cloud.
Read more on how we have assisted customers like Amedia to implement a DevOps methodology and to build site reliability.
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