In the words of Rhys Grossman, Harvard Business Review (The industries that are being disrupted the most by digital): "Digital is no longer the shiny front end of the organization - it's integrated into every aspect of today's companies. As digital technologies continue to transform the economy, many leaders are struggling to set a digital strategy, shift organizational structures, and remove the barriers that are keeping them from maximizing the potential impact of new digital technologies".
Business Insider suggests that by 2020 there will be 24 billion IoT devices installed, and lists four major drivers and barriers for this huge market:
4 market drivers
- Expanded internet connectivity
- High mobile adoption
- Low-cost sensors
- Large IoT investments
and 4 barriers
- Security concerns
- Privacy concerns
- Implementation problems
- Technological problems
How will this affect the market, industry by industry?
- Utilities and Energy
- Banking, Finance and Insurance
- Healthcare
- Telecom
- Media and Publishing
- Public, Municipal and Government
Make the organizations internal and external information available in order to increase transparence, beneficence and speed of interaction internally, with customers and other organizations. This must happen within an ecosystem that is capable of delivering IT solutions in an ever increasing speed.