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Digital transformation


What is cyber resilience?

Building cyber resilience involves implementing a holistic approach that encompasses Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Business Continuity Planning (BCP), Business Recovery Planning (BRP), and utilising effective risk management techniques.
Written by Peter Franklin

Using software based on open source code-life cycle management

In our first article, we talked a bit about the emergence of OSS (Open Source Software) and why it looks the way it does. Then, we delved into the pros and cons of using software built on open source code. Following that, we discussed some tips and tricks on how you and your company can establish a stable organization capable of assessing various OSS initiatives and aligning them with the company's business processes. Afterward, we went deeper into the methods and tools you can use to facilitate work with OSS. We also discussed how to determine the activity level and security awareness in different source code projects. Now, we intend to focus on lifecycle management and how you can work with it.

Written by André Johansen

Become a Super Scrum Master 4 - the leader

In the first article, I provided a brief introduction to the Scrum Master (ScM) role and the typical areas of responsibility. Then, I delved into more specific tasks for a ScM and how to organize the different ceremonies to get the most out of them. After that, I discussed how you, as a ScM, can handle risks and obstacles that arise during the process. In this article, I would like to talk more about how you can evolve from being a traditional ScM to becoming a natural leader, in other words, a Super Scrum Master!

Written by André Johansen